Long ago, our Hawaiian Ancestors of old built miles and miles of stonewalls to contain their animals. Years later, in the Sugar Plantation days here in Hawaii, square concrete posts were manufactured. Although it was the best fence post created, the amount of work that it took to create a single post was ridiculous. Plus, to secure a fence to a concrete post was close to impossible. 

Fast forward to one day while we were changing out a few rotten wood posts and rusting metal pipe at our ranch, we wondered why there weren't any concrete fence posts available. We asked our Papa and he said “There is! Let me show you.” To our surprise, he took us to so many places where concrete posts were used back in the early 1900’s and still standing now. 

With our ancestors' knowledge of rock building, plus 3 generations coming from a Sugar Plantation Family, we are proud to offer our Vertical Reinforced Concrete Post. (VRConcretePost)

Our VRConcretePost took several years to develop. That’s because we wanted to make sure our VRConcretePost would solve almost all fence installation problems and that it would outlast any wood and steel posts. Plus, we are pretty darn sure that it’ll make your fencing chores a bit more easy. We hope that our VRConcretePost will exceed your expectations. With much aloha, a hui hou!